AMI工作坊 ▎「蒙台梭利教室环境中的视觉艺术」
▎主题 Theme ▎
Visual Art in the Montessori Classroom
▎内容 Content ▎
Principles and examples of Art Activities in the
Children's House
Developmental stages for children's approach to Art
Preparing the environment for Art
The Elements of Art
▎培训师介绍 Trainer's Bio ▎
Madlena Ulrich
Madlena Ulrich 毕业于挪威Buskerud and Vestfold大学学前教育专业,于1994-1995年在爱尔兰都柏林接受了AMI 3-6培训。
她在2008-2010年间跟随美国明尼苏达的培训师Molly O’Shaughnessy和瑞典培训师Ulla Wikefeldt完成了她的AMI培训师培训。
Madlena Ulrich trained as a Preschool Teacher in Norway
at the University College of Buskerud and Vestfold (HBV)
and took her original AMI 3-6 training in Dublin, Ireland in
1994-1995. Since then she worked at Tønsberg Montessori,
a 0-15 environment situated in Eastern Norway. She did her
AMI Training of Trainers with Molly O’Shaughnessy in
Minnesota, USA and Ulla Wikefeldt, Sweden in 2008-2010.
She is a member of the China Faculty who holds AMI
3-6 Training in Hangzhou、Chongqing and Shenzhen.
She is also training students on AMI courses in Romania,
Russiain addition to students in Norway.She is lecturing
frequently all around the world.
▎课程费用 Fee ▎
RMB 600 / Person
▎课程时间Time ▎
6月18日 June 18,2017
上午9:00 —下午4:00
9 a.m - 4 p.m
AMI 重庆培训中心 AMI Chongqing Training Centre
▎面向群体 Audience ▎
All the interested people
▎课程地址 Location ▎
Location: Floor 21, building 11, No.89, Jinyu Road, New North Zone, Chongqing , China
▎咨询电话Tel ▎
+ 86 023 63052430;